
development through emotion

My Design Philosophy

At the center of every interaction lies a person. My designs focuses on technology, but without forgoing that center. With the rapid development of new technologies, especially around the concept of digital entertainment, it is easy to focus on what new features can be implemented in order to show off some possible future. My designs seek to center human emotion and experience and display how technology can enhance these abilities above all else. Interactions with technology can be a deeply artistic and personal experience, and without the intention to bring this out, the design itself becomes limiting. I strive to put emotional and intellectually-provocative ideas in a form that is deeply interactive.

Latest Updates:

Static Sanctuary has been officially ported to the Meta Quest platform!!!

Check it out here: https://andrew-wilson.itch.io/static-sanctuary

My new game “moWed” has officially been released for the 2023 Bigmode game jam!!! You can learn about some of the technology used in this medium blog post!

Work has concluded for my summer research project. This entailed creating a VR application that could visually demonstrate different graph traversal algorithms in a virtual Whitman College campus environment. The application allows the user to select from DFS, Dijkstra’s, or Kruskal’s and run it over a 3D graph overlayed on a campus model. The hope is that this would provide a more interactive and fun way to evaluate and teach students about these algorithms. Learn more about it here!!!

Check out my new postgreSQL project/proof of concept on a craft beer and distribution database. Download the CLI demo on my github here!

Also check out my Design Manifesto and my About Me/My Work page.

upcoming moebius project (defunct for now)

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